Monday, May 9, 2011

The Tale of the Tee-peed house...

Authors Note: Since many of you have already heard the story of how someone's friends came and tee-peed someone's house... let's spice it up a bit.

The Tale of the Tee-peed House
Once upon a time there was a fair princess who lived in a castle on Fox Ridge Road with her Father and Mother, the king and queen, and her 3 siblings. One morning King Gary came into the princess' room and woke her saying, "Wake up dear. The village people came in the night and have decorated the courtyard, with toilet paper and window markers, to welcome you home from the dance last night." (Ahem... ECD...) So the fair princess looked outside and this is what she found.

The courtyard had been decorated so beautifully it took the princess' breath away.

The trees, bushes and carriages were all covered with the highest quality of toilet paper, fit only for royalty. 

The windows all held messages of goodwill and happiness.  

The princess could not believe that the villagers would do this for her. What an honor. (Haha.. hehe-hem..*cough*).

The princess decided that it was to beautiful to leave outside so her and prince Brock cleaned up the whole huge mes- beautiful display of handiwork! (Ahem, *clears throat*) ... and put it in the big shiny cans for safe keeping. Mr. Humlie would come later and take it to it's resting place where it would be seen by many generations to come. 

And thus is the Tale of the Tee-peed House. The day the fair princess was honored by her people. 

-Makenna :)


  1. This is a fair piece of writing dear princess!

    Blessings, Her Royal Majesty the Queen.
    *Can I be a queen too even if I'm just a second mom? Khonda, do you mind sharing the Royal Title?

  2. What beautiful decorations!(hee hee :) Looks like you have such nice friends!:)

  3. hahaha, LOVE this version of the story! This post made me laugh!!!

    : )


    (have you shown Nick & Bre?) XD

  4. ....So funny!!!

    wonderful friends...haha :-)

    Love Kara

  5. Love the story!
    (but I heard a different version the day I was almost stranded @ your house!)
    I bet your pleased to have such Loyal subjects!

