Saturday, April 28, 2012

one night with the king.

In school I have been studying Persia. The rulers, the people, the Geographic get the idea. 
Reading about King Xerxes reminding me about the story of Esther. I love the story of Esther. Every since I was a little girl it's always been my favorite. I liked it because it was so exciting and scary, and God worked through Esther in an amazing way to save her people. 
 I thought I'd tell you about a movie called "One Night with the King-the story of Esther". 
It's such a great movie! A funny, romantic, story about courage and standing up for what you believe in. And it's all true! 
The soundtrack is also amazing. My favorite song is called "Kingdom of Love". Here is the wedding scene where the song is played. 

Also here is the full version of the song. It's so good you might as well listen to it twice in a row! ;)

So, all that to say, if you haven't seen it.... watch it this weekend! ;)

Friday, April 27, 2012


*YAWN* wow.... I am tired. Tired and ready for a niiiice, relaaaaxing weekend. But wait. I have lots things planned. Poco Music, Zambia fundraiser in Portland, coffee date, church, grad party, office cleaning job, hiking....and well, you get the picture. So, I guess that means I have to relax tonight huh? Ok. ;)
Grandma and Grandpa are over right now. 
Brock just had a baseball game (which they came from). Mom's at the store and Joelle is at Gallery Theater practice. When they get home, we'll eat our taco salad and watch our movie. Ah.... that sounds so nice. :)
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend! 

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Hello there. My title is portraying my mood at the moment. Not because I had a bad day, and not because someone made me mad, but because of the way my computer is acting. Right now. It's being moody and won't let me sign into my blogger account. Soooo.... all my 1/2 done posts, just waiting to be finished, are on hold. And have been on hold for about 2 weeks. So, now you know why I haven't posted lately. Technical difficulties. =/

*Deep breath*
Well, I've done a couple photo shoots recently. I'm finally really getting the hang of my camera and enjoying messing around with the settings. :) Hopefully soon (fingers crossed) you'll be able to see some photos on here. :)

Zambia fundraising is in full swing. We had a bake sale this last Sunday, and we're heading up to Portland on Saturday the 28th for another cash dash. This time in the big city!

You might be wondering how I'm posting this if my computer isn't working. Well, I'm on my mom's laptop....which was my grandpa before that. There's a lot of old pictures on here so I've decided to post a few random pictures from about 4 years ago. ;)

This is us kids with our grandpa Bob, in ND, participating in the 4th or July parade. My mom's parents live in a tiny town of 1500 people. It was so much fun to celebrate small town style. :)

These last two are of the boat parade they do on the lake every year. We got to ride along for this one too. Our sign reads, "Captain Bob and his swabbies". ;) (Aka grandpa Bob and his grand kids).

Alrighty! Well, I hope you enjoyed that random post, and hopefully I'll be able to get back to my regular blogging soon. :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

sixteen going on seventeen.

Hi... long time no see. It's been awhile. Things have been C-R-A-Z-Y in my neck of the woods. Just to give you a taste: I have a new job cleaning the Bella Casa office where my dad works. I've also been babysitting, planning Zambia fundraisers, playing on the ELT worship band and working on fitting two years of high school into one.

 Joelle has a part in the next Gallery Theatre musical, and Brock and Dawson are both in baseball (which means I've also been playing taxi driver). I'm not complaining.... most of what I do is fun. I mean movie nights, concerts, lunch dates and running.... it's all fun, but it's just all making me so busy. And honestly... I love it. :) I'd much rather be busy then bored. MUCH rather. :)

Sixteen has come and gone and now I have a whole year of being seventeen ahead of me! :)

I had a great birthday. Grandma and Grandpa came over for lunch. 

I opened my gifts from everyone, and I recieved a purse from Joelle AND Dawson! I had asked for them and I couldn't decide between them so they got me both. :)

Mom and Dad gave me a whole new comforter set! It's a watercolor flower print and I love it. 

I counted all the ways this birthday was significantly different from last year. 
1. I drove.

2. I went for a run.

3. Ashley bought me coffee (I didn't know Ashley or like coffee at this time last year).

4. I curled my hair. (Last year my hair decided to be naturally curly). ;)

I have to say this year was a very special year with lots of new experiences. I can't wait to see what God has in store for me in the year ahead!