Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I love this movie, and this song is amazing. I know what they're chanting too...

                      "Pink Pajamas, penguins on the bottom,
                       Pink Pajamas, penguins on the bottom."


  (The video might not play. Just click 'watch on youtube' if it's acting up...)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Whoop-see Daisies...

*Sigh*. I don't usually burn things. I'm not notorious for leaving the oven on. I can fry eggs and bacon, and flip pancakes without flipping them onto the floor. 
Just, sometimes I forget to take the yoke out of white cupcakes, and make the dishwasher overflow with suds. 

Ya, these were supposed to be cute, white cupcakes for my birthday party. 

They turned out looking like corn muffins. Huff/sigh...

And this would be the dishwasher episode. 

Apparently there's a difference between dish-washing soap and dishwasher (dish detergent) soap. 
Who knew? 
I obviously didn't. 

So then I got the job of rising off all the dishes, and smothering the bubbles.

One word:


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

last weekend

This weekend was a very fun weekend.
It started by going to a Tim Hawkins concert on friday night.

The Peningtons, the Bristows, the Tolmsoffs, the Henrys, Hillary and Monte, Halley and Michael and the Hehn family.  

On Saturday night John and I had a shared birthday party. :) 

Erin and I
(Trust me. Candles look better then they taste.) 

For some reason this blog isn't letting me post a picture of John and I. I'll have to post it later.

Dawson gave me a whole loaf of French bread as my present. :) 

Us girls at the party
                        What a fun weekend. Short, but sweet

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sweet Sixteen

Yesterday was my sweet sixteen...

Now comes driving alone. By myself with no one else in the car.

Now comes being a sophomore and taking up more responsibilities at home.

But, you know I honestly don't feel any older. I guess it's one of those things that happens slowly, but surely. Like a flower opening up. You don't really see  it happening, but it's blooming right there before your eyes.

So sixteen, I have a feeling, is going to be a great year for me. I'm excited about all the new things that God has in store for me. :)

Life isn't good... Life is Great.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Kettle Corn

 Today us kids went door to door selling kettle corn as a fundraiser for Dawson's soccer team. I was pretty much just watched as Joelle and Dawson sold thirty-five dollars worth of kettle corn. They did an awesome job! :)

 It was a little frustrating because lots of people didn't answer their doors. But, we were having a fun time walking up the steps, ringing the door bell and making the dogs bark like crazy, and then walk back down the steps and on to the next house. Haha.
Us on our route

I snapped this picture when we left. If you look close enough you can see the pot of gold....

Did you seriously look? 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ahhh.. friends....

My friends mean so much to me. I just had to post some fun pictures of days gone by. Good memories..... :)

Erin, Joey and I on our annual Christmas hay ride.
The gang after makes lunches for the homeless.

Erin and I at Halley and Michael's wedding. 

 My friends mean so much to me that I just had to post some pictures of days gone by. Good memories..... :) 

Moriah and I

Annnd, us again. :)
             I love these ones of me and Moriah. She's my little buddy. =) 

Accessory night at church camp.
               Oh ya. Gotta love the mustache! Church camp Boo-ya!

Making indian bread at Church Camp 2007
Playing spoons at church camp.
This was super-duper fun! It involved dice and running around the tables....

Making a music video
Oooh, this was so fun! Crazy and the movie didn't really turn out, but fun none the less. :)

Bryanna and I at her 15th birthday. :)

Magic Mountain!

FBF church camping at the beach

A human pyramid 

                        "If one falls down, his friend can lift him up.
             But pity the man who falls, and has no one to help him up.              
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Hopefully there are many more fun times to come! 

Makenna :)