Saturday, February 25, 2012


I'm going to Zambia! 
In August a group from my church is heading down to Zambia, Africa. We're going to be working with a ministry called Love's Door (Love's Door website). We will be doing a number of things including building homes for villagers, orphan care, and witnessing. Please pray for us as we follow God's call to spread His Word to the least and the lost. :)

This morning we had our first fundraiser. We sold Krispy Kreme donuts in the parking lot of our local Walgreens. We started out small since this was our first time and sold about 40 dozen. It was fun, but FREEZING. The sun couldn't decide if it wanted to stay out or hide it's warming rays behind the clouds.  It played hide-and-seek all morning. ;) It was a long morning. Six hours of holding signs in the rain, shivering, laughing, talking, taking pictures, informing people of our trip, taking donations, and then shivering some more, was tiring.....but, we had a blast. There will be many MANY more awesome fundraisers to come, this spring and summer. Please tune in for updates on when and where the following fundraisers will be held. =)

So, all that to say....


P.s. Yes, I know they are waving signs at an empty road. That is what makes this picture so funny. 
.... this is the part where you laugh. 


  1. Sounds like fun...... (Kinda)....... I really wish I could've been there to help out. I will be at the next one. Who is that in the picture? You goofballs waving at no one... :P
    Gabrielle brought us a box of doughnuts.... 12 doughnuts doesn't last long when you have 16 people though...... ;) They were good!!!!
    Love you!!!!

  2. It was fun....kinda, not really, sorta, lol. I I froze my hands, my soaking feet, my nose, my face, my....ok, so I was REALLY COLD! Thanks for freezin with me Kenna! I LOVE YOU!


    p.s. Talia, that is me and Ashley! Freezing, grumpy and hyper at 7:30 AM!
