Saturday, May 26, 2012


Sometimes, no EVERY TIME, you get a group of girls together, you're bound to have fun. Throw in the mall, newly pierced ears and the beach, and WOW!! Fun times are sure to be had by all! :)


I hope I never take for granted, all the wonderful friends God has blessed me with. 
I have no idea where I'd be without them! 

Speaking of friends.... last night, Gabrielle (above^^), played with her band at cornerstone. It was so much fun. She is such a Godly young lady and I'm so proud to call her my friend. She is such an inspiration to me. :)

Who inspired you today?? 


  1. Wow... You did a blog post of my party before me! I better go do one. Thanks so much for coming! It was a BLAST!!! :) I hope your ears are next to be pierced.... ;)

  2. You did!! :-)

    I'm so glad your my friend too! :-)

    Love You <3
