Monday, February 21, 2011

a girl and her birds

I'm obsessed with birds right now. Parakeets in particular. Oh my, how I wish I  could get one to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish...... till death do us part. (And no I'm not going to marry it. Psh, you goofy).

Let's just imagine this is my hand ok?

Ah, such fun, pretty birdies :)

The reason I can't get one (or 10) is because we live in a rental, and no indoor pets are allowed. Sad. So my new plan is to get the wild birds to come to me. Come spring I'm going to set up lots of feeders, bird seed and get out my camera. This should be very interesting. :) Hopefully they don't fly away to fast and I'm able to snap some shots to share with you on here. 

Oh and while we're on the subject of birds, look at this cute egg I found this morning. 
So tiny, we just didn't have the heart to eat it.

I was tempted to find out if it would be just as cute fried. I decided it wouldn't. :)


  1. NO PARAKEETS!!!!!!

  2. Oh Brenda! We've gone through this again, and again.... I AM GOING TO GET A PARAKEET.

  3. Who made that last comment? Could you please sign your name?? Thanks. :)

  4. You should come visit my parakeet "bailey". :)

  5. I will! Invite me over sometime. :) I need to think of some good birdie names... ideas?

  6. It would be so much fun to have a parakeet! I wish I had one! :D

  7. You should have seen my room after Bailey (Hillary's parakeet) came for the holidays! Bird poop and feathers and food O my! Yea, I wanted a parakeet, and then I saw my room. But the kisses and chirps were adorable! I think if she were my bird I could put up with it.:)

  8. My mom pushed send while I was flipping the pancakes. So I didn't get to sign my name. A child of God (my blog profile) is me, Erin, but so is everybody?

    P.S. Do you have chickens?

  9. Ah, yes. I know they can be a bit messy but I think I could deal with it. :) And, no. We don't have chickens. We are hoping to get some soon though. I just found that egg in the egg carton from the store! =)

  10. A Bird? In this house? NOOOOOOOOO
