Yesterday, Dawson and I were starting to make his ice cream cake.
He is SO excited for his birthday on sunday, and is absolutely giddy for his party today.
He had me laughing the entire time we were making the cake.
One of his ELT classes is "Recorder class".
Yes, he's learning how to play the recorder.
As of yesterday he knew "B".
And he played an entire song using the note, "B".
This morning he went to his room to practice and now we are constantly hearing a high-pitched version of "Mary Had a Little SQEAK! Lamb" echoing through the house.
He's turing ten.
It makes me as sad as it does happy.
I'll miss my little guy.
Now he's my not-so-little, goofy, sarcastic, annoying, silly, caring, buddy.
And I love him.
Happy Birthday Dawson!